Installation and Setup

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Download ShulNET files from GitHub.
  • Upload all files to the desired location of your server. Generally, this is a sub-domain or sub-folder on your website.
    • Make sure that you upload the files in the correct mode. A general rule is: anything you edit in a text editor (example, .php files) should be transferred in ASCII mode. Anything you can’t view in a text editor, such as images, ZIP files, and executables should be transferred in binary mode. Most FTP clients are intelligent enough to discern the difference in files.
  • Create a database and database user from your website’s control panel or using tools like MySQL Workbench.
  • Access the setup in a web browser by going to “”
  • The site will tell you if you have all the PHP prerequisites and file system permissions required to run ShulNET.
  • Input your settings and kick off the process.
  • Your database tables will be successfully created, and if applicable, populated.
  • Set permissions on all files within the admin/cron folder to 755 and proceed to create the cron jobs.
  • Set the following folders to 777:
    • /admin/sd-system (set to 755 after completing setup)
    • /admin/sd-system/attachments
    • /admin/sd-system/exports/
    • /custom/sessions
    • /custom/qrcodes
    • /custom/uploads

Cron Jobs

A cron job controls a variety of tasks that need to be triggered and run on a regular basis.

Common Installation Issues

500 Internal Error/General Errors

There are a number of reasons you may receive a 500 internal error. Before proceeding, make sure that error reporting is turned on at the server level and analyze the logs that are generated. Common reasons for 500 errors include:

  • Permissions have not been set correctly on the files and folders.
  • Server requirement incompatibilities:
    • ShulNET is developed and tested in 7.0 apache and later versions of MySQL. Running in older versions can be possible, but is not recommended
    • You’re missing required PHP modules.

MySQL Errors

  • Be sure your credentials are correct, both with the MySQL server host and MySQL database name, username, and password.
  • Be sure the MySQL user has access to the database.

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